01 - Introduction and Welcome

First of all, thank you for enrolling to LifeBuff mini! My name is Alex Pfeffer, I am a self employed composer and sound designer from Hamburg Germany with around 15 years of experience in all kinds of different areas of the audio business.

There are countless tutorials, books and courses about how to improve your composing, mixing, mastering or sound design skills, how to have success and eventually get rich - and this is absolutely important and great that these things exist - but you hardly find anything tailored towards our industry, dealing with all the side effects, our sometimes chaotic audio business brings along. Also, sadly, not that many people talk about it:

Stress, Self doubt, Insecurities, Worrying, Emotional issues when, for example, dealing with clients, writer’s block, financial issues or even our general attitude towards life itself!

… and that’s where LifeBuff comes into play! Besides these things we will be also talking about other important topics on how to improve your workplace, your social media skills, interaction with clients, your overall well being and many other things!

So let’s get started!

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